Saturday, November 8, 2008

I wish...

..I knew exactly how you felt. I want to get inside your head, so to speak. I want to know your dreams. I want to know what moves you. The things that make you passionate. That one picture that takes your breath away. I want to know the deepest desires of your heart. I want to know the song that makes you cry. I want to know what inspires you. Music? People? Words? Computers? I want to know everything about you. I want you to want to know everything about me. I want to tell you my deepest thoughts. I want to tell you what inspires me to greatness and to the things completely beyond the scope of my imagination. But I'm too scared to tell you because what if you just laugh? What if you don't care? What if you don't understand? How will you respond? No one ever wants to be serious these days. I've become a very serious person. Certain people bring out the real me though. I still don't share my deepest thoughts and desires with them. I want to share them with you though. I'm afraid you won't care. I wish I didn't feel this way... but I can't stop myself. I've tried and tried... I want to be your everything, but I'm too scared to let myself completely fall for a guy. I'm scared I'll get hurt. My heart has so many scars. I don't want another one. Please. I just want to be the one that takes your breath away.

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